Meryl Taradash

Sculptures of Light and Wind

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Study of Blue Lotus


Formed aluminum creates a spiraling ascent for a pair of hemispheres rotating above.

35 1/2 in. h x 8in. w x 8 in. d

In Egypt, in a land of few trees, the water growing plants bundled together to become the columns reaching from one sphere of being to another - for example, papyrus, lotus. And the palm told the desert traveler where water was living. Three strands of metal coalesce into the support for a spinning orb of hope. The lotus is rebirth.

Statement from Grounds For Healing where the Study for Blue Lotus resides on loan. Grounds For Healing is part of the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Hamilton, NJ which provides chemotherapy for cancer patients.

Refer to the full-scale sculpture in Wind-Driven Sculptures for more information.